26 Tips and Tricks for Successful Weight Loss
1- Drink water, especially before meals.
There is an opinion that drinking water can help in weight loss – and it’s true. Drinking water can boost your metabolism by 24-30% within 1-1.5 hours, helping you burn a few more calories. One study found that drinking half a liter of water about half an hour before a meal helped dieters consume fewer calories and lose 44% more weight compared to those who did not drink water.

2- Eat eggs for breakfast.
Eating eggs can provide many benefits, including helping you lose weight. Research shows that replacing your breakfast cereal with eggs can help you eat fewer calories over the next 36 hours, as well as lose more weight and fat. If you do not eat eggs, then this is not a problem. Any other protein source for breakfast will have the same effect.
3- Drink coffee (preferably black).
Drink black coffeeCoffee is highly underrated. Quality coffee contains many antioxidants and can be very beneficial to health. Studies show that the caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 3-11% and increase fat burning by 10-29%. Just don’t add a lot of sugar or other high-calorie ingredients to your coffee. This will completely nullify all its benefits. You can buy coffee at your local grocery store or order online.
4- Drink green tea
Like coffee, green tea also has many health benefits, including weight loss. While green tea contains very little caffeine, it also contains powerful antioxidants called catechins that work synergistically with caffeine to help burn fat. While the evidence is mixed, many studies show that green tea (whether as a beverage or as a supplement to green tea extract) can help you lose weight. Green tea is sold in most pharmacies, medical and grocery stores, and online.
5- Try Periodic Unloading
Intermittent fasting is a popular eating pattern in which people alternate periods of fasting and eating. Short-term studies show that intermittent fasting is just as effective for weight loss as permanent calorie restriction. In addition, it implies less loss of muscle mass, unlike low-calorie diets. However, more thorough studies are needed before any firmer conclusions can be drawn.
6- Take natural calorie-burning supplements
Inner body temperature is not how hot or cold your skin feels, it’s the temperature of your internal organs and cells. And further clinical research from Switzerland has shown that inner body temperature plays a role on how your body metabolizes fat. Studies show that people who take natural calorie-burning supplements lose slightly more weight than those who don’t. You can find natural calorie-burning supplements not only in pharmacies, but also on this Site.
7- Eat Less Added Sugars
Added sugars are one of the worst ingredients in the modern human diet. Most people abuse them. Studies show that consumption of sugar (and high fructose corn syrup) is strongly associated with an increased risk of obesity as well as diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. If you want to lose weight, cut down on added sugars. Be sure to read the ingredients, because even so-called healthy foods can be high in sugar.

8- Eat Less Refined Carbs
Giving up white bread refined carbohydrates include sugar and grains that have been stripped of their fibrous, nutritious parts. For example, white bread and pasta. Research shows that refined carbs can quickly spike your blood sugar levels, making you feel really hungry and increase the amount of food you eat for hours. Eating refined carbohydrates often leads to obesity. If you have carbohydrates in your diet, make sure they contain natural fiber.
9- Try a Low Carb Diet
If you want to experience the benefits of carb restriction, go all the way and try a low carb diet. Numerous studies show that eating like this can help you lose 2 to 3 times more weight than a standard low-fat diet and improve your health at the same time.
10- Use small plates
Using smaller plates has been shown to help some people automatically consume fewer calories. However, plate size doesn’t seem to affect everyone. It affects those who are overweight more.
11- Exercise Portion Control or Count Calories
Portion control, that is, when you eat less, or counting calories can obviously be very helpful. Some research shows that keeping a food diary or taking pictures of your meals can help you lose weight. Anything that makes you think about what you eat can be helpful.
12- Carry healthy food with you in case you get hungry
Having a healthy snack on hand will help keep you from eating something unhealthy if you’re really hungry. Light and easy-to-make snacks include whole fruits, nuts, carrots, yogurt and hard-boiled eggs.

13- Take Probiotic Supplements
Taking probiotic supplements containing bacteria of the Lactobacillus subfamily has been shown to reduce body fat. However, this does not apply to all Lactobacillus species. Some studies have linked Lacidophilus to weight gain.
14- Eat spicy food
Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a compound that can boost metabolism and reduce appetite slightly. However, over time, people can become addicted to the effects of capsaicin, which may reduce its effectiveness in the long run.
15- Do Aerobic Exercises
Do cardio-aerobics (cardio) is a great way to burn calories and improve your physical and mental health. They are especially effective for losing belly fat, the unhealthy fat that builds up around your organs and causes metabolic disease.
16- Do strength exercises
One of the worst side effects of the diet is that it causes muscle loss and slows metabolism as the body goes into starvation mode. The best way to prevent this is to do some form of weight training, such as strength training. Research shows that strength training can help maintain a fast metabolism and prevent muscle loss. Of course, it’s not just about losing fat mass – you also need to build muscle. Strength exercises are necessary to keep the body in good shape.

17- Eat More Fiber
Fiber is often recommended for weight loss. While the evidence is mixed, some research suggests that fiber (especially viscous fiber) can increase satiety and help you manage your weight long-term.
18- Eat more vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits have several properties that make them effective for weight loss. They are low in calories but high in fiber. Their high water content makes them low in calories but satisfying. Studies show that people who eat fruits and vegetables tend to weigh less. These foods are also highly nutritious, so eating them is important for your health.
19- Good sleep
Sleep to lose weight, the impact of sleep is greatly underestimated, although it is just as important as a healthy diet and exercise. Studies show that poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity, as it is associated with an 89% increased risk of obesity in children and 55% in adults. Therefore, sleep more, but just do not try to go to bed immediately after eating!
20- Fight food addiction
A recent study found that 19.9% of people in North America and Europe suffer from food addiction. If you’re experiencing excessive food cravings and can’t seem to get over it no matter how hard you try, you may be addicted. In this case, seek professional help. Trying to lose weight without fighting food addiction is next to impossible.
21- Eat More Protein
Protein is the single most important nutrient for weight loss. Eating a high protein diet has been shown to increase metabolism by 80–100 calories per day while reducing the diet by 441 calories per day. One study also found that consuming 25% of your daily calories as protein reduced obsessive thoughts about food by 60% while cutting in half the desire to snack late at night. Adding protein to your diet is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight.
22- Whey Protein Supplement
If you’re struggling to get enough protein in your diet, you can take protein as a supplement. One study found that replacing part of the diet with whey protein can lead to weight loss of about 8 pounds over time while increasing muscle mass. Whey protein is sold in most health food stores and online.
23- Don’t drink sugary drinks, including soda and fruit juice.
Sugar is bad, but liquid sugar is even worse. Studies show that sugar in drinks is one of the main causes of obesity. For example, one study found that sugar-sweetened beverages increased the risk of obesity in children by 60% when consumed daily. Keep in mind that this also applies to fruit juices, which contain the same amount of sugar as a soda like coca-cola. Eat fresh fruit, but limit or avoid fruit juices.
24- Eat organic foods (normal food)
If you want to be a leaner and healthier person, the best advice is to eat single ingredient foods. These foods are natural and it’s very difficult to gain weight if so much of your diet is based on them.
25- Don’t Diet – Eat Healthy
One of the biggest problems with diets is that they rarely work in the long run. If anything, dieters tend to gain more weight over time, and studies show that dieting is a common cause of future weight gain. Instead of going on a diet, aim to become a healthier, happier, and leaner person. Focus on giving your body the nutrients it needs, not depriving it of them. Weight loss should happen naturally.
26- Chew slower
It may take some time for your brain to realize that you have eaten enough. Some research suggests that chewing slowly can help you eat fewer calories and increase the production of hormones associated with weight loss. Also, chew your food more thoroughly. Research shows that chewing more thoroughly can reduce calorie intake at mealtimes. These techniques are part of mindful eating, the goal of which is to help you eat less and pay attention to every bite.
Numerous methods can help you lose weight.
Some of the tips above involve dieting, including eating more protein or cutting back on added sugars.
Others, such as improving sleep quality or exercising, are more lifestyle-based. For example, slow chewing is one step you can take to start mindful eating.
If you apply some of these tips, you will be one step closer to your goal.